Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

Starting OVER!

Ok Guys,
I am starting over again. I got back to my dight after a hard time struggeling and gaining 8kg. I am on track now scince 23th June.
I started with a no eating phase. i just drink a lot lot of tea, 2 protein shakes per day and a light soup for lunch.
I lost 2kg on the first day, so my actual weight is 78,75kg.

I have been down to 72kg in Feburary but couldnt keep this weight.

Now im trying again and hope to finally make my goal. I have till September 7th to be at 69kg. That means 2 Month and 12 days for 9,75kg. That means an actual weightloss of 131g per day, 922g per week.
So i need to resist on 922 calories per day.

My Plan is to finish 4 days with "no eating" and then eat one meal per day (lunch) und have two protein shakes per day.
Hiting the gym 5x a week.

So, 74 days left... keep it going!

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