Hey Guys,
Couldn't sleep so well last night. Only fell asleep at 4am... spent like halfe an hour in the bathroom.
BUT, this morning I had like 1,5kg less!
So I lost 3,5kg in the last two days. Thats great, I just hope then when I start eating again I do not gain it all back. Well ofcourse my plan is to eat one meal only per day at two shakes but my stomach will fill up again and so I will gain I think atleast 1 kg. Damn it! xD
So I am at 76,25kg now and I have 74 days to go.
7,25kg to go.
That now means 97g per day, 685g per week.
Sounds ways better then yesterday. just with this 1,5kg less ^^
Glad I am still motivated. Just had my shake this morning, 1,5L Tee and 750ml Tomatosoup which was made of 600ml Water and 150ml tomato juice.
Also took some vitamins this morning.
My friends gona pick meup soon and we are going to the mall. I hope my stomach makes no problems ...
See u and take care
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