Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011

Last "non food" day!

Hey you guys.

73 days and 6,75kg to go. Yes I lost AN OTHER halfe KILO! 0,5kg!
4kg in 3 days!
Actual Weight: 75,75kg
What means:

92g per day, 647g per Week!

I can do that.

In the grocerie store yesterday i alreaddy baught full grain pasta und stuff for cooking next weekend.
Ill get readdy for the beach now, and then be gone!

its my last non eating day so i do not have to prpare anything to eat. Thats quite nice^^
I made 3L of tea yesterday, thats all im taking.

See you guys, stay skinny!

Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

-1,5 kg YEAH!

Hey Guys,
Couldn't sleep so well last night. Only fell asleep at 4am... spent like halfe an hour in the bathroom.

BUT, this morning I had like 1,5kg less!
So I lost 3,5kg in the last two days. Thats great, I just hope then when I start eating again I do not gain it all back. Well ofcourse my plan is to eat one meal only per day at two shakes but my stomach will fill up again and so I will gain I think atleast 1 kg. Damn it! xD

So I am at 76,25kg now and I have 74 days to go.
7,25kg to go.
That now means 97g per day, 685g per week.
Sounds ways better then yesterday. just with this 1,5kg less ^^

Glad I am still motivated. Just had my shake this morning, 1,5L Tee and 750ml Tomatosoup which was made of 600ml Water and 150ml tomato juice.
Also took some vitamins this morning.

My friends gona pick meup soon and we are going to the mall. I hope my stomach makes no problems ...

See u and take care

Starting OVER!

Ok Guys,
I am starting over again. I got back to my dight after a hard time struggeling and gaining 8kg. I am on track now scince 23th June.
I started with a no eating phase. i just drink a lot lot of tea, 2 protein shakes per day and a light soup for lunch.
I lost 2kg on the first day, so my actual weight is 78,75kg.

I have been down to 72kg in Feburary but couldnt keep this weight.

Now im trying again and hope to finally make my goal. I have till September 7th to be at 69kg. That means 2 Month and 12 days for 9,75kg. That means an actual weightloss of 131g per day, 922g per week.
So i need to resist on 922 calories per day.

My Plan is to finish 4 days with "no eating" and then eat one meal per day (lunch) und have two protein shakes per day.
Hiting the gym 5x a week.

So, 74 days left... keep it going!